
1. Privacy Statement

The Kind Agent Pty Ltd (ABN: 18670805802) and its agents collect and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you provide us with your details, we may contact you about our property, promotions, and related products and services. We may use your personal information within The Kind Agent and disclose it to our authorised representatives and service providers who act on our behalf, to fulfil the purpose for collecting your information. Our service providers may have servers located overseas such as in USA, and Philippines and you consent to these overseas disclosures. Without your information, we may not be able to provide you with services and you may miss out on receiving valuable information from us. We do not collect sensitive information about you unless you provide it to us voluntarily. You have a right to access your personal information that we hold and may ask us to correct this. Our Privacy Policy below contains more detail on your rights and contact details for questions or complaints.



2. Privacy Policy

1) Introduction

The Kind Agent Pty Ltd (ABN: 18670805802) and its related bodies corporate (The Kind Agent, we, our, us) respect the importance of protecting your privacy. We comply with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) (Privacy Act), including the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) as well as the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014 (CR Code).


This Privacy Policy describes how The Kind Agent collects, handles, uses and discloses your personal information. By providing us with your personal information, you consent to us using and disclosing it for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will update this Privacy Policy when our information handling practices change, or when required. Any revised Privacy Policy will take effect when it is published on our website.

2) Our functions and activities

We collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information so that we can perform our functions and activities and provide best possible customer service. Our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information will depend on our relationship with you, the circumstances of collection and the type of products and service you request from us. We may collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

  •  To provide and administer our products and services, including market properties for vendors and landlords, facilitate transactions for sales and leasing, assess and originate your application for finance or mortgage insurance and manage that finance, property concierge services, verify your identity, conduct credit checks and process payments if applicable;
  •  To respond to your submissions and enquiries about our products and services.
  •  To provide customer support, including conducting, investigating and responding to enquiries, surveys, feedback, comments and complaints;
  •  To distribute our newsletters and other communications either alone or with the assistance of service providers on information about us, our conferences, training and events, our property listings and our related products and services;
  •  To plan, market, host and facilitate our conferences, training sessions and events;
  •  To inform and conduct marketing activities including to promote our products and services;
  •  To conduct research about your interests and attitudes towards our products and services to improve our products and services, marketing activities and customer experience;
  •  To assess the performance of our websites and improve the operation of the websites;
  •  To perform data analyses and generate customer insights which may include combining personal information received from reputable data sources and public sources of information;

3) Information we collect

Personal information is any information about you, from which you can be identified. We may collect your name, address, postcode, email address, date of birth, gender, employment, telephone number, property details, payment details, family information and proof of identity such as your driver licence or passport number. We may collect additional personal information from you from time to time.

We generally do not collect sensitive information about you, unless you provide it to us voluntarily. For example, when you interact with us, you may provide sensitive information such as racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, health information, religious or philosophical beliefs or political opinion and membership or affiliation information. You consent to us collecting sensitive information which you provide to us voluntarily. If we need to collect any sensitive information for a specific purpose, we will ask for your consent.

If you are an employee or prospective employee, we may need to collect sensitive information about you and you consent to us collecting this information. For example, personnel records may include sensitive information such as place of birth, racial or ethnic origin, criminal record, tax file number, disabilities and relationship information. Recruitment records may include employment history and experience, referees and other employment related information.

If you provide us sensitive information, we will treat it as personal information and handle it in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

You don’t have to give us all the information we request. However, if you do not provide us with some or all of the personal information required, we may not be able to provide you with the products and services or information you request, to the requested standard or at all, and you may also miss out on receiving valuable information about us and our products and services.

4) How we collect information

Where we can, we will collect information directly from you. We collect personal information when you:

  •  Request us to provide our products and services or information about our products and services, including sales, and leasing;
  •  Contact us to make an enquiry about our products and services, including online, over the phone or in person;
  •  Subscribe to communications from us such as updates, publications or newsletters;
  •  Tell us about your preferences when making an enquiry or using our products and services;
  •  Contact us to provide feedback, comments or suggestions on our functions and activities or complete one of our surveys;
  •  Interact or engage with us through our websites or social media platforms;
  •  Register, attend or present at one of our conferences, training sessions and events;
  •  Attend property inspections or visit our offices, including via manual sign-in and security surveillance of our offices;
  •  Apply for a job with us or become an employee, or become a supplier or contractor that provide a product or service to The Kind Agent;
  •  Purchase shares in The Kind Agent; or
  •  Otherwise interact with us or disclose your personal information to us.


As well as collecting information directly from you, there may be occasions when we may collect information about you from other people or organisations. We may combine this information with information we already have about you to help us understand trends, attributes, behaviour and preferences. Where we receive information about you indirectly from service providers, we require that the service provider has collected and disclosed that information in accordance with the Privacy Act.


5) Cookies and other analytics tools: how we use them

The Kind Agent may use cookies and online behavioural tracking tools, such as web beacons, pixels, device identifiers and web server logs, to collect, store and monitor visitor traffic information and actions on our website. Cookies are small data files which are placed on your computer that allows our websites to “remember you” when you return to our websites. These cookies and tools are not used to record any personal information.


Services other than The Kind Agent may leave cookies in your browser. They may have their own privacy policies that govern their use of cookies. The information collected by these tools may include geolocation data, the IP address of the device you are using and information about websites that the IP address has come from, the pages accessed on our website and the next website visited.


The Kind Agent may use and combine this information to maintain, secure and improve our websites, enhance your experience when using our websites, display and deliver relevant content, services and advertising and understand the effectiveness of our marketing and advertising (including direct marketing and online ads on external websites).

If you want to prevent cookies being used, you can change your browser settings to disable cookies. However, this might mean that your access to parts of our website is limited, or you may experience reduced functionality when accessing certain website functions.


Terms and Conditions:


  1. We provide an individually tailored service providing assistance and knowledge, through our experience and qualifications, in the time of them moving home, considering moving home, leasing a home, buying a home, selling a home and/ or preparing their home for sale. 
  2. We accept manual bookings via telephone, email or via the website booking link and payment for services are upfront for consultations and meetings and via two instalments or upfront for quoted services. Payment terms are strictly 14 calendar days and late fees may apply if this is not honoured. 
  3. Variations to quotes can occur should the work rendered exceed the initial quoted plan and notification in writing will be provided to you in this scenario. Quoted works are charged on an hourly rate for labour and materials are at cost. The more information and detail you can provide at the initial consultation for the work and expectations you have the less chance there is of a variation.
  4. There is no guarantee that the quote is a fixed amount due to a heavy reliance on third party contractors, weather and other constraints. 
  5. A quote is valid for 30 days whereby a deposit it payable and written acceptance required for a date to be booked for work to commence. 
  6. Any work or task that is not completed to expectation or the quote provided is to be brought to our attention immediately and at the time, on job. Any formal complaints are to be emailed to with detailed information so it can be followed up and further investigated.if the complaint is not brought to our attention within 3 days of the issue arising no financial compensation or refunds will be rendered. 
  7. We use website security and secure payments that is monitored and regularly updated both internally and externally. We entrust third parties for advice and regular reviews to ensure our website, emails and payment accounts are secure however we do not accept any liability for any breach of security, personal information errors or errors in payments. For more information on how we handle your information please review our privacy policy. 
  8. The period of an agreement is determined by the service you book and is noted upfront. If you book a consultation it’s for the time of the consultation. Should you engage our business as a result of a quote, a service calendar or time expectation will be provided upfront. We note that this can change once third party contractors and other events occur and we do not accept liability for this or any consequences that arise from this.
  9. In the event we are assisting you in moving goods, we note that there is a risk for goods to be broken or damaged in transit. We recommend only professional contractors that are fully insured and licensed and do not accept liability for any broken or damaged goods that occur during our co-ordination or service period. 
  10. We do not accept liability or payment on your behalf and all materials and outgoing costs on your behalf are to be reimbursed/covered in the payment of your invoice. 
  11. As a valued contact or client may offer you a discount, referral fee or gift. This is on a case by case basis, complementary and separate to any payments of fees, services outlined. 
  12. Cancellation for our services booked are a minimum of 72 hours. The booking is for the time reserved and knowledge shared.  
  13. In the event of cancellation of our service cancellation fees are payable: cancellation within 24 hours for the consultation range of services or within 3 business days for any quotes works, and any third party contractor costs are payable. This will be provided to you via invoice should you have not already paid upfront. 



Website security and software:

  1. All information contained and images on this website are lawfully purchased, provided to or are the property of The Kind Agent Pty Ltd. Unless explicitly provided in writing in advance by The Kind Agent Pty Ltd reproduction, sharing or copying any information from this website is prohibited. The Kind Agent Pty Ltd acknowledges that links and references to third party websites are provided and these are not purported to be The Kind Agent Pty Ltd or any representation of The Kind Agent Pty Ltd.
  2. All information provided is done so through The Kind Agent Pty Ltd personal knowledge or experience and education however we cannot guarantee its accuracy and recommend your own research and information checks are completed. 
  3. The Kind Agent Pty Ltd recommends you assess whether this service or products are suitable for you and your personal circumstances.
  4. All Information and advice is provided with good intent & honesty to the best of our ability and all care has been taken we do not accept any liability to its accuracy and recommendation your own investigation and research is conducted. 
  5. The Kind Agent Pty Ltd is affiliated with other companies of whom we work alongside and therefore recommendations to these companies or businesses are made however it is recommended that you assess their suitability to you and your personal circumstances. No liability is accepted in the event you engage these businesses or companies from The Kind Agent Pty Ltd recommendation. 


Some Kind Words

"... we were very happy with her professionalism. She was up to date with recent sales in the area and kept regularly in contact with us. Would highly recommend her to prospective vendors or purchasers."

Past Client - Newcastle, NSW

"Emily was the most kind and caring...We could not recommend Emily highly enough"

Past Client - Port Stephens, NSW

Emily had a strategy that inspired my confidence and was very resourceful in sourcing services required to get my house ready for market.

Past Client - Lake Macquarie, NSW

Emily was amazing to work with and as it was our first home purchase we had a lot of questions. We've been in touch with her multiple times a week and helped answer all sorts of random questions. We have valued her help and would have no hesitation in recommending her.

Past Client - Newcastle, NSW