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Purchasing a Property

Purchasing a Property

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The Purchasing Process:

The preparation and process of buying a home.


Have a look online for similar homes in the same area and price range you'd like to buy for.

Select your team

  • Broker


  • Selling Agent


  •  Conveyancer/ Lawyer


  • Pest + Building Inspector


  • Preparation Crew


  • Engage your broker - they will provide lending advice and estimate change over costs.


  • Attend open homes and consider the advertised price versus what the home sells for.


  • Consider how you'd like to sell your home and how long you'd like to be on the market.


  • Utilise the preparation checklist to consider what's important to you in a home.


  • Choose a conveyancer to provide guidance.


  • Interview buyers agents or preparation crew to help you (optional).


  • Organise quotes and preparation organisation so your home is sale ready.




  • Employ buyers agent and conveyancer.


  • Attend open homes and property inspections.


  • Attend Auction/ make offers and negotiate.


  • Employ a pest & building inspector 


  • Confirm finance and pay deposit


  • Sign contract for sale



  • Start packing.


  • Do your final inspection/s + checks before settlement. 


  • Get the keys + Move house!!



And ...

Live happily ever after


For more information

Click here to book a virtual advice session or an in person 'pop in'

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